I’ve been getting my house in order regarding tracking creative exchanges and other events, and I thought I’d share.

So here’s a bunch of multifandom (and even some for original works) events and exchanges by month. Not all of these events have announced for 2023, but they’ve all been active within the last 12 months so there’s good reason to expect we’ll see them again this year. They’re placed in the calendar according to the schedule they they last ran on.

Many of these events are multimedia, and I’m also including events that are specifically fic, art, podficcing, vidding, etc. and even some for commenting and blogging – something for everybody! Heck, a bunch of them even take original non-fandom works.

I placed them according to the first date the event opens for activity. In some cases that’s signups; in others it’s nominations.

Starting January: 

Goreswap Exchange 2023: https://goreswap.dreamwidth.org/
Seasons of Drabbles 2023: https://seasonsofdrabbles.dreamwidth.org/
Small Fandom Bang artist signups: https://smallfandombang.dreamwidth.org/
WIP Big Bang Mini-Round 2023: https://wipbigbang.dreamwidth.org/
Worldbuilding Exchange 2023: https://worldbuilding-exchange.dreamwidth.org/
Snowflake Challenge blogging fest 2023:
A Woman’s Place is the Resistance vid exchange 2023:
Behind the Pod podfic meta challenge: https://bethepod.dreamwidth.org
Play the List Bingo: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/play_the_list_bingo/profile
Space Swap Exchange 2023: https://space-swap.dreamwidth.org/
Battleship Exchange/Challenge 2023: https://battleshipex.dreamwidth.org/
90s Channel TV Exchange 2023: https://90s-channel-tv-exchange.dreamwidth.org/

Starting February: 

Half a Moon Fest for female characters Feb 1-14 2023:
Hurt/Comfort Exchange 2023: https://hurtcomfortex.dreamwidth.org/
Smut 4 Smut Exchange 2023: https://smut4smut.dreamwidth.org/
Small Fandoms Drabblethon 2023:
None English Fanworks fest for fanworks not in English 2023:
Crack the WIP 2023: https://crackthewip.dreamwidth.org/493.html
Out of the Auditary Podfic Fest 2023:
Sufficiently Advanced Exchange 2023:
Fandom Trumps Hate fundraising auction:
Unsent Letters Exchange 2023 for epistolary format:
Femslash Fuckery 2023 prompt fest:
The Mane Event Exchange 2023: https://the-mane-event.dreamwidth.org/

Starting March: 

Gen Freeform Exchange 2023:
Monster Smash Exchange 2023 for monster love:
Fandom 5k Exchange 2023: https://fandom5k.dreamwidth.org/
Heart Attack Exchange 2023: https://heartattackexchange.dreamwidth.org/
Pollinate Your Faves Week 2023 March 20-26: https://twitter.com/lusty_charming/status/1620514279907811328?s=20
Rarepair Slash Trope Challenge 2023: https://rarepair-shorts.dreamwidth.org/
Turing Fest Exchange 2023 for robots, AI, cyborgs & more:
Holy Fuck Exchange for deity-fic: https://holyfuckexchange.dreamwidth.org/
Fluffity Fluff Exchange 2023: https://fluffityfluffexchange.dreamwidth.org/
Stork Swap 2023 Exchange & Bingo for pregnancy & babies:

Starting April: 

No True Pair 2023 Mini-Challenge: https://no-true-pair.dreamwidth.org/
WIP Big Bang 2023 author signups: https://wipbigbang.dreamwidth.org/
Gen Prompt Bingo Summer/Fall 2023 opens:
Prisoner’s Exchange 2023 – focusing on kidnapping & captivity-fic:
Unconventional Courtship Fest 2023:
Unconventional Courtship Exchange 2023:
Dick or Treat Challenge: https://dick-or-treat.dreamwidth.org/
Cuppa Joe Exchange 2023 for jealousy & obsession:
Fandom Orienteer Challenge 2023 – long fanworks:
Spring Renewal 2023 Prompt Fest: https://spring-renewal.dreamwidth.org/
Jukebox Exchange 2023 – focusing on music fandoms: https://jukebox-fest.dreamwidth.org/
Original 5K Exchange 2023: https://original5k.dreamwidth.org/12307.html
Femslash Kink Exchange 2023: https://femslash-kink.dreamwidth.org/51980.html
NonConaThon Exchange – focusing on noncon: https://nonconathon.dreamwidth.org/
Little Black Dress Exchange – focusing on that character you ship with everybody: https://littleblackdressex.dreamwidth.org/
Fairy Tale Inspired Exchange: https://fairytaleinspired.dreamwidth.org/
CreatOR Exchange: https://charactorex.dreamwidth.org/

Starting May: 
Rare Male Slash Exchange – focusing on m/m rarepairs: https://raremaleslashex.dreamwidth.org/
Small Fandom Fest Summer Round: https://smallfandomfest.dreamwidth.org/
MILFfic Exchange 2023: https://milficexchange.dreamwidth.org/
BDSM Exchange: https://bdsmexchange.dreamwidth.org/
Recursive Exchange – fanworks of fanworks:
Rule 63 Exchange – focusing on sexswaps/genderswaps: https://rule63exchange.dreamwidth.org/
Summer of Horror Exchange: https://summerofhorrorexchange.dreamwidth.org/
Unholy Fuck Exchange – focusing on deities & demons: https://holyfuckexchange.dreamwidth.org/


Starting June: 

Juletide Exchange – like Yuletide for July: https://juletide.dreamwidth.org/
WIP Big Bang artist signups – finish that WIP!: https://wipbigbang.dreamwidth.org/
Sunshine Challenge blogging fest: https://sunshine-challenge.dreamwidth.org/
Just Married Exchange – fics focusing on marriage: https://justmarriedexchange.dreamwidth.org/
AU Exchange – fics focusing on AUs: https://auexchange.dreamwidth.org/
Press Start Exchange – focusing on video game fandoms:
Every Woman Exchange – focusing on female characters: https://everywoman.dreamwidth.org/
Crossworks Exchange – focusing on crossovers & fusions: https://crossworks.dreamwidth.org/
Femslash After Dark Exchange – focusing on NSFW femslash: https://femslashafterdark.dreamwidth.org/
First Time Exchange – focusing on first times & virginity tropes: https://first-time-exchange.dreamwidth.org/

Starting July: 

Five Figure Fanwork Exchange (FFFX) – focusing on long fanworks: https://fffx.dreamwidth.org/
Hurt/Comfort Bingo opens: https://hc-bingo.dreamwidth.org/236721.html
July Jewels Prompt Fest: https://sharpest-asp.dreamwidth.org/2022973.html
If It Fits I Fics Exchange – focusing on cats: https://ififitsifics.dreamwidth.org/
Original Works Opportunity Exchange: https://original-works-ex.dreamwidth.org/
Pine 4 Pine Exchange – focusing on pining: https://pine4pine.dreamwidth.org/
Fandom Growth Exchange – fics for small fandoms:
Discovery Challenge Exchange – focusing on animalistic sex: https://doitexchange.tumblr.com/
Relationshipping Exchange – focusing on incest: https://relationshipping.dreamwidth.org/
Public Spice Exchange – focusing on public sex: https://public-spice-exchange.dreamwidth.org/
Fandom Gift Basket Fest: https://fandomgiftbasket.dreamwidth.org/
Trauma Exchange: https://traumaexchange.dreamwidth.org/
Multifandom Trope Fest: https://multifandomtropefest.dreamwidth.org/
Bad Bang – for deliberate badfic & badart: https://badbang.dreamwidth.org/

Starting August: 

Fic in a Box Exchange: https://ficinabox.dreamwidth.org/
No True Pair Full Challenge: https://no-true-pair.dreamwidth.org/
Launch the Ship Challenge – write the first fic for a contentless ship: https://launchtheship.dreamwidth.org/

Starting September: 

Small Fandom Bang Author Signups: https://smallfandombang.dreamwidth.org/
Trick or Treat Exchange: https://trickortreatex.dreamwidth.org/
Yuletide Exchange: https://yuletide-admin.dreamwidth.org/
Femslash Exchange: https://femslashex.dreamwidth.org/
Solstice Informal Holiday Exchange for Podfics:
Ladies Bingo: https://ladiesbingo.dreamwidth.org/
Festivids Exchange – holiday podfics exchange: https://festivids.dreamwidth.org/
Trope Bingo opens: https://trope-bingo.dreamwidth.org/
FemDom Exchange: https://femdomexchange.dreamwidth.org/
Yesfest Exchange – focusing on consensual smut: https://yesfest.dreamwidth.org/
Star Trek Holidays Exchange: https://startrekholidays.dreamwidth.org/
Sedoretu Exchange – focusing on poly relationships: https://sedoretuex.dreamwidth.org/

Starting October: 

Consent Issues Exchange: https://consent-issues-exchange.dreamwidth.org/
Mistletoe Exchange: https://mistletoe-exchange.dreamwidth.org/
Holly Poly Exchange: https://holly-poly.dreamwidth.org/
Multifandom Doodle Fanart Exchange: https://multifandomdoodle.dreamwidth.org/
Kinktober Promptfest: https://www.tumblr.com/kinktober2023

Starting November: 

Fandomtrees gifting fest: https://fandomtrees.dreamwidth.org/
Small Fandom Fest Winter Round: https://smallfandomfest.dreamwidth.org/
Advent Drabbles: https://adventdrabbles.dreamwidth.org
Chcolate Box Exchange: https://chocolateboxcomm.dreamwidth.org/
Annual Femslash Kink Meme: https://femslash-kink.dreamwidth.org/
Playlist Exchange: https://playlistexchange.dreamwidth.org/
Here Be Dragons Exchange: https://herebedragonsex.dreamwidth.org/

Starting December: 

Cephaloparty tentacle fic exchange: https://cephalopartyexchange.dreamwidth.org/
Id Pro Quo exchange: https://idproquo.dreamwidth.org/
Gen Prompt Bingo Winter/Spring opens: https://genprompt-bingo.dreamwidth.org/
Rare Femslash Exchange: https://rarefemslashexchange.dreamwidth.org/
Bulletproof Exchange for your bulletproof kink/trope: Discord invite

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