

PrettyArbitrary: Writing meme stolen from roane


‘John put the notebook down’ to ‘lethargy over him’ in Cross-Wired. This is an excuse to make you talk more about the characterisation in this wonderfully twisty fic.

Cross Wired.  Man, what the hell was going on in my head when I wrote Cross Wired? 😉

Thanks for going into such detail (tumblr won’t let me reply so here is a reblog). I think your John did work; I got from him what you put in. On the other hand I do like my twisty!fic so I may have been primed.

One of the many things I love about this fandom is the fact that regular BDSM is a healthy mainstream norm, a sort of starting point, and it just gets darker from there. On the other hand, there’s less and less of this sort of thing about, post-S2, so if you felt like writing more…

Oh, no worries!  There’ll definitely be more of this sort of thing in the future!  If I had to pick one kind of story I like best, it’d be these sorts of psychological dungeon crawls.

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