I am having an angst. I’ve got all this fantastic text that I wrote, that contains many awesome lines, but it looks like none of it will now fit in the story as it’s going.
My babies. ;_;
It would help if someone could yell at me to toughen up and be ruthless. Then I would feel less like I am failing and depriving my readers. Any takers?
It’s after 4 in the morning here. I can be ridiculous and needy if I want to.
J has given me great advice on this, that she received from someone else, and it basically boils down to: find your favorite part, the line you just had to get it, the one you are most proud of — and if it doesn’t service the story, cut it. Cut it ruthlessly, even if you love it, because if you don’t, you’re not writing the story you want to write, you’re writing the story you think sounds the best — those aren’t always the same thing. Take the bits you wrote and love and stick them in a draft for something else. You know if they don’t fit. Don’t shoehorn them in where they won’t be happy.
You and J are both (as usual) vastly wise and absolutely right. Thank you! I needed to hear it!