

As promised this is Fluffy ChickenJohn :3

Chicken!John is Mamishka‘s idea 🙂


Thank you Villian for making ChickenJohn come to life!! 😀

(Just to be clear, the whole reason this came about is because Inchells was working on a drawing and it totally looked like John as a chicken until she drew in Sherlock’s face and we realized that it was Sherlock lying on John’s lap. I mentioned this during the livestream and three other people chimed in that they thought the exact same thing! And then somehow we ended up with SherHAWK (he’s a Chicken Hawk, of course!) and a whole passel of Sherlock inspired birds and farmyard animals.

As memory serves me, Sally became a Mockingbird. Mrs. Hudson was a mother hen. Irene was a swan (the white dress, dontcha know). Molly was a mourning dove. There were many other suggestions but those are the ones I remember.)

I’m sharing this because I can’t actually stop laughing.  FLUFFY FEATHERBUTTS.

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