Well done! Arabella Strange wrote an excellent rebuttal to me right here, if you’d like to see. Post navigation You act as though Sherlock took a fucking holiday for two years. No way he was doing anything important. Is it not possible since you want to believe what Sherlock says so badly that John may have blabbered, if Sherlock had told him? Maybe John is a fucking blabber mouth who would have ruined his work taking down the web. Maybe John actually could not be trusted with that info. I think Sherlock would be able to accurately assess that.How was anything he did for John in Series 3 bad? Planning his wedding? giving a great (though awkward speech) Making sure John’s friend/ex Sholto didn’t die. Catching a murderer. Composing John’s wedding song? Protecting Mary after she killed him? Taking out Magnussen to keep him safe? What about any of that is bad? (besides murdering magnussen)