(my dumb interpretation) McCree (not realizing 76 is Jack): Bet yer a fan’a them old cowboy movies, aren’t ya?
76: (flashback montage)
(Jesse apologising over destroying an APC, Gabriel pulls his hat down over his face in the background)
(Jesse playing hide and seek with Farheeha, while Ana, Jack and Gabriel look on in secret)
(Jesse and Farheeha overestimating a flashbang’s range in the cafeteria, running screaming from Ana)
(Jesse trying to make friends with Winston)
(Jesse clutching a jar of peanut butter as he runs screaming from Winston)
(Jesse on fire for no good reason as Torbjorn chases him with a fire blanket)
(Jesse badly injured, Mercy fussing over him, Jack squeezing Gabriel’s shoulder silently)
(Jack realizing that he doesn’t find those movies enjoyable anymore because having Jesse McCree in their lives was a thousand times more complicated and interesting. And not everything about Overwatch is a bitter memory, even if some of them aren’t the happiest.)
76: I was until I met you. (blurts out, trying to put distance between Jack Morrison’s past and 76′s present)