You know what, I really like Doomfist.
I mean, he’s a nightmare of a human being. Brilliant, accomplished, socially and physically powerful, and terrifyingly skilled AND ALSO a violent social Darwinist who wants to start World War 3 (or is it 4?) basically as a global eugenics program.
I take it back, calling it a eugenics program is doing him a disservice, sort of.
It’s not just a genetics thing. It’s almost spiritual. He’s looking to better the human race as they are now. This is a guy who recognizes that it requires conflict in order for a person to rise into their full potential.
The awful thing is, he’s kind of right about that. The whole point of training–whether it’s military boot camp, martial arts or anything–is to be pushed past what you believed were your limits to find what you’re truly capable of. Both the worst and the best. And for humans as a species, that goes beyond what we can lift or how far we can run.
Humans shine in times of horror. He grew up during the Omnic Crisis and he saw that in a war for survival, people found the strength for things like self-sacrifice and transcendent compassion.
It’s horrifying that what he took away from all that is that war is the environment humans should be put in in order to thrive. But then some of that was grooming, wasn’t it? I wonder what he might have been if he hadn’t met the previous Doomfist. He would always have had an untameable spark, but maybe there could’ve been some other way than warfare for him to feed it.
But he is what he is, and that’s a walking nightmare.
But maybe the best part is that a 10 year old genius who believes in peace and her adorable superhero-bot have stood
themselves in direct opposition to him. I am so ready for this.
from Tumblr