Hi, anon!  The ‘My Stuff’ section is a sidebar module I created by editing the HTML for the layout.  I went into ‘Edit HTML,’ scrolled down to the section of the HTML for the sidebar (in my them, it’s marked with <div id=”sidebar”>, and then added a section, like so:

            <h3>My Stuff</h3> (this creates the section title as displayed on my Tumblr) 

            <div class=”widget”> (this labels it as a ‘widget,’ which are the sidebar modules, and styles it accordingly)

(and my list of links, separated by a <br > linebreak rather than a <p> paragraph break so that Tumblr doesn’t add extra space between the lines) 

                <p><a href=”http://arbitrary_fic.livejournal.com”>My fic on Livejournal</a><br >

                <a href=”http://archiveofourown.org/users/PrettyArbitrary”>My fic on AO3</a><br >

                <a href=”http://prettyarbitrary.tumblr.com/tagged/reference”>Writing Reference Posts</a><br >

                <a href=”http://prettyarbitrary.tumblr.com/post/25350917362/now-taking-prompts-for-porny-goodness”>Put your porn prompts here!</a><br >

                <a href=”http://cbe002.chat.mibbit.com/?channel=%23innercircle&server=irc.fdfnet.net”>Come chat!</a></br >

                </p> (end paragraph—always close your tags in HTML)

            </div> (end the “widget” div)

This is old-fashioned static HTML.  There are fancier ways to do it that give you a lot more flexibility, but it’s just a links list, so I didn’t feel like going to the trouble.

I should also mention that the Tumblr themes are created by different people, who do web design in different ways.  So if you look at the coding for one theme, it won’t necessarily have the same names as mine does.  But hopefully this helps, if you want a ‘My Stuff’ section of your own!

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