



Popular sci-fi site (est. 2008) is launching a new book imprint called The Imprint and has posted new submission guidelines to help unagented authors propose their book manuscripts to the editors.

Now until August 31, 2014, the editors will review unsolicited submissions from authors. Submissions must be completed manuscripts of original sci-fi and fantasy stories with mainstream appeal. Suggested word length is 17,500 words and above.

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What an opportunity! Reblogging for my readers who write!

Submission guidelines at

oh, AND:

We encourage submissions by writers from underrepresented populations. This includes but is not limited to writers of any race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, nationality, class, and ability, as well as characters and settings that reflect these experiences.

Well goddamn. I wish I had something to submit.

This is awesome.  I have a lot of respect for TOR and the people who man that shop.  They have a fantastic eye for a good story, and from all I’ve seen, they treat their authors with respect.  They’ve also got a good sense of how to thrive in a digital world.

I wish I had something to submit, too.

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