Above: Tenchcoat with weird shoulderpad things and no sleeves plus weird belt things
Above: ALSO a trenchcoat with weird shoulderpad thingies and no sleeves and weird belt things
CONCLUSION: Gabriel stole Jacks look and made it emo
It’s the same if you go the other way, too!
Above: no-nonsense close-fitting outfit with little obvious armoring, heavy boots, weird belt things, and further ordnance at right hip.
Above: a no-nonsense close-fitting outfit with little obvious armoring, heavy boots, weird belt things, and further ordnance at right hip.
So basically, the two dramatic edgelords effectively copied each other’s outfit after they died.
I kind of figured Jack’s coat was standard-issue Overwatch gear, since it’s UN blue and in some of the materials we see at least Ana wearing one just like it. Which would mean that Gabriel is wearing a gothy edgelord spin on his old organization’s uniform (by which I don’t mean to disagree with the above, because hella).
And his mask is literally the old Blackwatch insignia. This dude is Not Over It.
For extra fun times, check out what happens when you flip the Overwatch symbol upside down.